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Constituent activities

The main meeting of EAWOP’s Executive Council and Constituents is at the Annual Constituent Council (CC) meeting.

Should you have any items for the CC meeting contact the CC liaision Monica Molino (

Previous minutes of Constituent Council (members-only access)


EAWOP Call for proposals

EAWOP and Constituents for Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP_CON 4 WOP)

promoted by EAWOP Constituent Members


The mission of EAWOP is to promote and support the development and application of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) in Europe and to facilitate links between researchers and practitioners working in this field across Europe. Moreover, influencing policy-making is one of the main strategic aims of EAWOP.

In line with these aims, the EAWOP Executive Committee (EC) has decided to launch a new call for proposals addressed to its Constituent Members: EAWOP and Constituents for Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP_CON 4 WOP).

The call aims to support initiatives promoted by Constituent members. These initiatives should have three main objectives:
1. to promote the dissemination and development of a specific topic in WOP at the national level in the country of the proposing association;
2. to bring together researchers and practitioners to support their collaboration around the topic;
3. to actively involve at least one policy-maker present in the country to inform them about results and insights of our discipline and to find ways to collaborate.

The proposal has to be submitted by an EAWOP Constituent member. Each Constituent can only submit one proposal. Joint initiatives between two EAWOP Constituents (from the same country or from different countries) are also welcome. Initiatives with an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach (e.g. clinical, mental health, etc.) are also eligible, as long as WOP is central to the initiative.

A wide range of initiatives may be supported, such as (but not limited to):
• Workshops to develop new practice initiatives, educational initiatives, intervention programs or new guidelines, new tools, thanks to collaboration between researchers and practitioners and inputs from policy makers.
• Supporting the invitation of an expert from another European country as a trainer for seminars, workshops or other training, development and educational activities.
• Social or artistic events, such as an exhibition, a theater performance or an art installation.

EAWOP will support up to a maximum of €1500 for each proposal, for a maximum of 2 proposals. The budget is to be used exclusively for organizational costs. Moreover, it is explicitly meant for not- for-profit initiatives.

Please note that the organizers of the funded initiative will receive €1500 before the initiative. They will be asked to present original invoices corresponding to the amount to be financed by EAWOP and a short description/justification of expenses after the initiative has taken place.

Moreover, the final program of the initiative is required together with a short summary of its results.

Constituents interested in responding to this call are invited to submit a proposal to the EAWOP EC by email to Monica Molino (

The deadline for submissions is October 31st, 2024. Decisions will be communicated by the end of November, 2024.

The proposal should include the following:
• Constituent(s) proponent with information about the contact person.
• Title and description of the initiative, including an explanation of why the chosen topic is important to WOP, how academics and practitioners will collaborate, which policy maker(s) will be involved, expected outcomes.
• Timing and location of the initiative (when it will take place in 2025).
• Details of any organizing committee and sponsoring organizations.
• Detailed budget.

Additionally, the constituent proposing the initiative must be up to date with the annual EAWOP membership fee payment, that is, it should have paid the 2024 EAWOP membership fee.


The informaiton is also available here