WorkLab 2019
8th EAWOP WorkLab – Practitioner Skills Workshop

New ways of working: participative and evidence-based workplace design
7th to 9th November, 2019, Malta

EAWOP invites European practitioners working in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) to join the 8th EAWOP Practitioner Skills WorkLab. This year’s programme is focused on changing work environments and exploring new ways of working. Participants will broaden their understanding of change in the workplace from a variety of different contexts and the effects those changes are having on work design, work-life balance, well-being and efficiency.
The programme will balance presentations of the latest research findings and practical approaches to effective organizational interventions. We are proud to announce that our speakers are Dr Carolyn Axtell (UK) who will discuss her past and current research about changing work environments and Lizette Engelen (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) who has been leading organizational change programmes for many years.
Similar to previous years we begin on Thursday afternoon setting the stage for the workshop and sharing our experiences of new ways of working. This will be followed by one and a half days with our speakers in dedicated interactive sessions to facilitate the application of knowledge, tools and techniques adapted to delegates’ own contexts and challenges. Delegates are encouraged to bring their own case studies to develop during the programme.
This year WorkLab delegates will be enjoying the beautiful island of Malta and sampling its culture and heritage.
New ways of working: participative and evidence-based workplace design
The WorkLab aims to provide a platform for the latest scientific research to be brought to an audience of practitioners, who can thereby develop and enhance their professional practice and skills. The 8th EAWOP WorkLab is an interactive workshop event and participants will benefit from:
Developing a broad overview of the changing workplace from both research and practitioner perspectives
Understanding what effects those changes are having on work-life balance, well-being and efficiency;
A broader understanding of the process of introducing change in the workplace
Pooling expertise with other Work and Organizational Psychologists regarding new ways of working and its implementation
Gaining insight into the value of working with evidence-based methods.
When we talk about new ways of working we consider several things; including new technology, innovations in the workplace and new work processes. Most of all our thoughts are about changing the way we do things. In our WorkLab this year we will consider:
technology enabled working (e.g., using mobile devices from multiple locations, teleworking from home, and working in distributed teams);
rethinking workspaces of the future and making them work today by using new ways of working and workplace innovation;
job design and the characteristics of work that are good (and bad) for well-being. Work redesign may or may not involve technology, but whatever new ways of working we might want to implement there are certain characteristics that should be considered;
best practices in terms of the process of change - in particular relating to participative design of the new ways of working. We might not be able to predict what new technological changes or organizational changes might necessitate a change in the future, but there are principles that we can use to help us navigate these new ways of working;
how to deal with the complexity of workplace change and make it work. Recognising that a holistic view of organizations must consider buildings, processes, culture, leadership all needing to work together to be effective.
These concepts will be explored in the usual WorkLab style; balancing theory and evidence based-practice using a range of participative learning styles, and, a lot of fun!
Click here to see the WorkLab Programme
Join us at the Corinthia Hotel, St George's Bay, Malta. Set on a promentary looking over the mediterranean it should be a perfect setting for our workshop and for relaxing afterwards in the bar or pool! The main sites of Malta (Valletta and Mdina) are in easy reach. You can take advantage of our special rate to stay an extra night or two to enjoy Malta. Find out more at:

WorkLab is open to EAWOP members and psychologists nominated by their Constituent associations ONLY. (Qualified psychologists can join EAWOP at
Nominees must be: a) practitioners working in Work and Organizational Psychology for at least two years; b) have an interest in applying/learning more about the changing workplace and new ways of working , and c) able to evidence being inspired and committed to practitioner activities.
WorkLab fees are subsidised by EAWOP.
Early bird rate until 4 September 2019 - EARLY BIRD CLOSED
675 EUR for EAWOP members/Constituent nominations
375 EUR limited places available for Low Income Countries (possible shared bedroom)
Regular rate until 7 October 2019 - Last Few Places Available
900 EUR for EAWOP members/Constituent nominations
550 EUR limited places available for Low Income Countries (possible shared bedroom)
* Low Income Countries: see EUROSTAT
Local rate (non-residential) 425 EUR Early Bird / 650 EUR Regular rate
Delegates may bring an accompanying person; fee € 275 (this includes hotel accommodation for 2 nights, 2 dinners and a cultural event).
WorkLab fee must be paid in advance while registering and it includes:
Workshop participation
Hotel accommodation for 2 nights in Malta
All lunches, dinners and refreshments during the conference
Visit to Mdina, the old capital of Malta
Click here to download the Worklab 2019 Reg form .
Organising Committee:
Dr Angela Carter (UK)
Helen Baron (UK)
Dr Diana Rus (NL)