WorkLab 2020
9th EAWOP WorkLab - Practitioner Skills Workshop

Working well remotely: Impact, productivity and well-being
12th-13th November
12th November |
Session 1 |
16.00-18.00 CET |
Optional Networking |
18.00-19.00 CET |
13th November |
Session 2 |
10.00-12.00 CET |
Informal Online Lunch |
12.30-14.00 CET |
Session 3 |
16.00-18.00 CET |
WorkLab 2020 will be a virtual event. The planned WorkLab focusing on “Improving psychological wellbeing through organizational interventions” will be posponed to 2021. (Details below). Meanwhile we have an excellent programme that will be delivered in three virtual sessions over the two days. We will focus on the challenges that the global pandemic has put on the way we work.
We have two exciting speakers.
Audrey McGibbon will present on Working and Living for Well-Being
This session will consider the impact of the pandemic on individual well-being of people at work. It will provide some models for thinking about well-being and introduce some simple tools for working on your own well-being as well as with others within a managerial or coaching framework. Participants will have the option of completing the GLWS survey of well-being and receiving a personal report as well as access to a refresher course around well-being as pre-work.
About Audrey McGibbon

Audrey wishes she knew at 30 what she now knows at 50+. The link between wellbeing, success, strong and sustained performance, sense of fulfilment, life satisfaction and happiness seems so obvious now – but it has taken a lifetime of experiences and 20 years+ as a psychologist to get her head around it. A psychologist since 1990, she became Managing Director of a publicly listed psychological consulting firm in Australia at the tender age of 28, a role that gave her first hand insights into the stresses and strains of life as a senior executive and the impact of leaders’ behaviours on a team’s wellbeing. Creating the Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey (GLWS) has been a source of great joy and personal inspiration, enabling Audrey’s talents for gently challenging clients’ self-awareness, judgement, and behaviours to reach more leaders than she would ever have imagined possible.
Dr. Steven G. Rogelberg will present on Making Remote Meetings Successful: Leveraging the Surprising Science of Meetings
Dr. Steven Rogelberg discusses evidence-based tips to improve remote meetings leveraging insights from his best-selling book, The Surprising Science of Meetings which has been profiled on host of media outlets including CBS This Morning, BBC World, Freakonomics and ranked as one of the best business books of 2019 and 2020 by Washington Post, Forbes, SHRM to name a few.
About Steven Rogelberg

Dr. Steven G. Rogelberg, an organizational psychologist, holds the title of Chancellor’s Professor at UNC Charlotte for distinguished national, international and interdisciplinary contributions. He is an award-winning teacher and recipient of the very prestigious Humboldt Award for his research. He has over 100 publications addressing issues such as team effectiveness, leadership, engagement, health and employee well-being, meetings at work, and organizational research methods. His latest book, “The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead Your Team to Peak Performance” (Oxford) was recognized by the Washington Post as the “#1 Leadership Book to Watch for in 2019.”
Download the programme here.
To register download and complete the registration form and send to
Virtual WorkLab is free and open to EAWOP members and psychologists nominated by their Constituent associations ONLY. (Qualified psychologists can join EAWOP at
Nominees must be: a) practitioners working in Work and Organizational Psychology for at least two years; b) have an interest in applying/learning more about the changing workplace and new ways of working , and c) able to evidence being inspired and committed to practitioner activities.
Registration closes 12.00 CET 9th November.
There is a 25 Euro late fee for any registration not completed by the closing time.
Organising Committee:
Helen Baron (UK)
Dr Angela Carter (UK)
Dr Diana Rus (NL)
Improving psychological wellbeing through organizational interventions
Postponed to November 2022
EAWOP invites European practitioners working in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) to join the next face to face Practitioner Skills Workshop. The 2022 workshop is focused on how we can make changes to the way work is organised, designed and managed to improve employee health and wellbeing.
In the European Union, the Framework Directive 89/3 91/EEC on Safety and Health of Workers at Work established employers’ general obligations to ensure employee health. Crucial to the Framework is prevention, including the management of adverse psychosocial working conditions. Despite this Framework and the fact that organizational interventions have positive benefits for organizational outcomes, employee motivation and learning, most organizations employ an individual approach to managing health and wellbeing. European surveys show that this is partially due to a lack of knowledge on how to design, enact and evaluate organizational interventions.
Improving psychological wellbeing through organisational interventions
In this workshop, we will explore some of the available tools and look at how they could be applied in different cultural and organizational settings.
We will include presentations of the latest research findings and practical tools and methods to improve employee psychological wellbeing through organizational interventions. The programme will be interactive and we will draw upon participants’ case studies and experiences in identifying strategies for how practitioners can support such interventions.
Our speakers are Professor Karina Nielsen (Denmark, based in the UK) and Sharon De Mascia (based in the UK). The WorkLab is presented in English but both our speakers are fluent in Spanish.
Similar to previous years we begin on Thursday afternoon setting the stage for the workshop and sharing our experiences of organizational interventions. This will be followed by one and a half days with our speakers in dedicated interactive sessions to facilitate the development of knowledge, tools and methods that can be applied in participants’ practice. We will discuss challenges and opportunities and develop strategies for promoting organizational wellbeing interventions. Participants are encouraged to bring their own case studies (see guidelines) to share and reflect upon during the two days.
The WorkLab aims to provide a platform for the latest scientific research to be brought to an audience of practitioners, who can thereby develop and enhance their professional practice and skills.
The 9th EAWOP WorkLab is an interactive workshop event and participants will:
Gain a broader understanding of how to improve psychological wellbeing;
Become familiar with a selection of tools that facilitate psychological wellbeing;
Learn about the latest research to inform future practice;
Develop their understanding of the factors that prevent psychological wellbeing initiatives from being successful;
Explore how to improve the evaluation of psychological wellbeing initiatives.
These concepts will be explored in the usual WorkLab style; balancing theory and evidence based-practice using a range of participative learning styles, and, a lot of fun!
Click here to see the WorkLab Programme
WorkLab is open to EAWOP members and psychologists nominated by their Constituent associations ONLY. (Qualified psychologists can join EAWOP at
Nominees must be: a) practitioners working in Work and Organizational Psychology for at least two years; b) have an interest in applying/learning more about the changing workplace and new ways of working , and c) able to evidence being inspired and committed to practitioner activities.
Organising Committee:
Helen Baron (UK)
Dr Diana Rus (NL)
Marja Jeanson (NL)