WorkLab 2024

We have 3 WorkLab events planned for 2024. Below you will find details for our online events and the face-to- face workshop in November, including how to register, or when registation will open. Online events are free for EAWOP members who also qualify for discounted rates for the November workshop.
July 12th 2024
Online Webinar: Neurodiversity at work and in business. Key priorities for people, organisations and research
October 9th 2024
Online Webinar: Victims, villains and vigilantes in the age of soft crimes
31st October - 2nd November 2024: In person event, Lisbon Portugal
Developing an evidence based coaching approach for purposeful conversations
July 12th 2024
Online Webinar: Neurodiversity at work and in business. Key priorities for people, organisations and research
Speaker: Professor Almuth McDowall
This session will outline the current programme of research undertaken by the Centre for Neurodiversity Research at Work (C4NRAW) based in London, UK.
The session will commence with five key priorities. It will then be outlined how research relevant to work and organizational psychology is developing, and also what can be learned from other domains such as neuroscience.
This will lead to an overview of current findings from the centre's activities and in particular a large survey of UK neurodivergent workers, employer representatives and also 2024 comparison data from colleagues.
We will revisit the five key priorities in the light of this data and conclude the session with smaller discussion groups to embed learning.
Professor Almuth McDowall

Almuth is Professor of Organisational Psychology at Birkbeck University of London where she co-directs the centre for Neurodiversity Research at Work with her academic best friend Dr Nancy Doyle. The team are also co-authors of the best selling book Neurodiversity Coaching. Almuth's research and publications have been award winning and she is committed to dissemination to practice, as well as acting as a consultant to a range of organisations. She is very happy to have developed the first bespoke module at undergraduate level on neurodiversity, and is now doing the same at postgraduate level and a short course for further professional development. She is Senior Editor for the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Associate Editor for Neurodiversity. In her spare time, she is an instructor for Sleek Technique and delivered online ballet based fitness classes.
This event is free to attend for EAWOP members.
Constituent members of EAWOP can nominate up to 5 of their members to attend.
Register on Eventbrite
9th October 2024
Victims, Villains, and Vigilantes in the Age of Soft Crimes
Speaker: Professor Karl Aquino
This session, will describe three social types – the victim, the villain, and the vigilante-- that can be found in organizations and wider society. In the context of organizations, he will discuss the relationships between these types, the social and cultural conditions that lead to their emergence, and what effects their presence might have on the people around them. He will present a model of social relationships called the drama triangle (Karpman, 1968) to speculate about how the same person can play the roles of victim, villain, and vigilante at various times and for different purposes. He will also propose that a psychological disposition known as communal narcissism (Gebauer, Sedikides, Bas Verplanken, & Maio, 2012), defined as a grandiose or exaggerated belief about one’s prosociality and concern for others, can predict who is more likely play these roles with greater frequency and present data that tests this hypothesis.

Karl Aquino is the Richard Poon Professor of Organizations and Society in the Marketing and Behavioral Sciences Division at the Sauder School of Business. He studies how moral beliefs and motivational processes influence behavior and social judgment. He also studies workplace victimization, ideologically motivated cognition, revenge and forgiveness, status, power, and social dominance, workplace vigilantes, and various topics in consumer psychology. He has published over 100 papers in management, psychology, marketing, management information systems, business ethics, and political science outlets.
This event is free to attend for EAWOP members.
Constituent members of EAWOP can nominate up to 5 of their members to attend.
Register on Eventbrite
31st October - 2nd November 2024: Lisbon Portugal
Developing an evidence based coaching approach for purposeful conversations
EAWOP invites European practitioners working in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) to join the next face to face Practitioner Skills Workshop. The 2024 workshop is focused on coaching. Coaching interventions are increasingly common and this workshop will help understand how they can be used effectively within an evidence-based paradigm. As well as covering the considerations for when coaching might be helpful the workshop will introduce some coaching models and include experiential elements so that participants can develop their own skills in listening and interacting with others which can be used in many contexts.
To explore the psychology behind coaching, raising awareness and developing skills in coaching to enhance the effectiveness of interactions with others.
• To increase understanding of the psychological research and theory supporting the use of coaching as a development tool
• To understand a range of intervention styles, including the contexts in which a coaching style is appropriate
• Deepen listening skills and raise awareness of different types of listening and the impact our listening has on our interactions with others
• To practice coaching and being coached, experimenting with a range of coaching tools and techniques
• Deepen self-awareness and reflective practice
• Enhance the way in which we are able to interact with others
Who should attend:
Psychologists with a range of prior knowledge and experiences, who have an interest in coaching and a desire to develop their own coaching skills to support their work with their clients.
The WorkLab aims to provide a platform for the latest scientific research to be brought to an audience of practitioners, who can thereby develop and enhance their professional practice and skills. Similar to previous years we begin on Thursday afternoon setting the stage for the workshop and sharing our experiences of organizational interventions. This will be followed by one and a half days with our speakers in dedicated interactive sessions to facilitate the development of knowledge, tools and methods that can be applied in participants’ practice. The topic will be explored in the usual WorkLab style; balancing theory and evidence based-practice using a range of participative learning styles, and, a lot of fun!
Participants are encouraged to bring their own case studies to share and reflect upon during the two days.
You can find more information about the workshop and register here.
Our speakers
As usual we have a leading academic and highly respected practitioner to share their insights on our topic.
Professor Rebecca J Jones

Professor Rebecca J Jones PhD CPsychol is a Professor in Coaching and Behavioural Change at Henley Business School and Co-Founder of Inclusive Leadership Company. Her research interests lie in examining the factors that influence coaching effectiveness and her consultancy practice focuses on working with organisations to create diverse and inclusive workplaces using coaching and psychological theory and research to achieve sustained behaviour change. Rebecca is the author of the book ‘Coaching with Research in Mind’, host of ‘Coaching@Henley’ podcast and has published her research in globally renowned journals.
Verity Hannell

Verity Hannell is an award-winning coach and Lecturer in Coaching and Behavioural Change at Henley Business School overseeing their triple accredited Professional Certificate in Executive Coaching. Her coaching specialism is mental health and wellbeing, with a particular focus on the boundary conditions of practice. Verity has over 13 years of coaching experience, facilitating change with individuals, teams, and entire organisations from numerous sectors including; finance, talent management and media, pharmaceutical, and the public sector. She is actively involved with the coaching professional bodies, raising awareness of evidence-based coaching practice, and promoting mental health inclusivity.
You can find more information about the workshop and register here.