3rd EAWOP Early Career Summer School for Advanced Work and Organizational Psychology - August 27th to September 1st, 2012 at Lake Lucerne, Switzerland
The 3rd EAWOP Early Career Summer School for Advanced Work and Organizational Psychology (W/O) will bring together 36 young scholars and internationally renowned senior scholars from all over Europe.
The summer school aims to:
Provide feedback and new ideas to participants;
Support the development of skills necessary for successfully pursuing an academic career;
Foster intra-European research collaborations;
Provide keynote and meta-skills presentations by renowned leading international scholars;
Bring together a scientific and a practitioner view of W/O psychology.
The summer school will cover supervised group sessions (during which participants’ own research will be discussed); three keynote presentations; three meta-skills workshops on publishing, funding, and research management; one poster presentation session; two career-steps group sessions (during which future research ideas will be discussed); and one half-day excursion to a Swiss company.
The following senior scholars will join the summer school:
Eva Demerouti (TU of Eindhoven, NL) giving a presentation on “Employee well-being and performance: A quantitative diary approach”;
Miriam Erez (Israel Institute of Technology, IL) giving a presentation on “Enhancing innovation in work organizations”;
Martin Kleinmann (University of Zurich, CH) giving a meta-skills presentation on fundraising;
Filip Lievens (University of Ghent, BE) giving a meta-skills presentation on publishing;
Ann Marie Ryan (Michigan State University, US) giving a presentation on “Identity management in the workplace: Strategies, choices and outcomes”;
Norbert Semmer (University of Bern, CH) leading the company visit;
Sabine Sonnentag (University of Mannheim, DE) giving a meta-skills presentation on research management.
The Summer School will take place at the Antoniushaus Mattli near the Vierwaldstättersee. The house is situated high above Lake Lucerne in the middle of mountain summits and meadows. Located a few minutes by foot from the village of Morschach, the house is an oasis of peace. The summer school will start with an opening ceremony on the afternoon of August 27th and finish with an optional guided tour around Zürich on Saturday, September 1st 2012.
The summer school participation fee is 280 Euros for EAWOP members (participants from Eastern European countries will be charged a reduced fee of 180 Euros). This fee covers summer school participation, accommodation in single rooms, full board, and an optional sightseeing trip around Zurich on Saturday morning. The fee must be paid by May 30th 2012. Non-EAWOP members can sign up for a discounted one year membership (May 2012 to May 2013, 50 Euros) through the EAWOP office. Register for membership by contacting EAWOP secretary Christine Goffinet (cgoffinet@ulg.ac.be).
The summer school is open for PhD students in their final year and post-doc researchers in the first five years after their PhD. Please send the following documents to eawop_summerschool@psychologie.uzh.ch by April 1st 2012:
CV with your (planned) completion date, a list of congress contributions, and publications;
Extended abstract of 3-5 pages covering a current study that you would like to present at the summer school, including questions to the audience;
Abstract of 3-5 pages covering future research ideas, including questions to the audience;
Proof of EAWOP membership status.
Participants will be notified by 1st May 2012 concerning their acceptance.
Martin Kleinmann Ann-Louise Holten
& Maike Debus Member of the
University of Zurich EAWOP Executive Committee
From Basel airport and Zurich airport: approx. 1.5 hours by train (http://www.sbb.ch/en/index.htm); destination: Morschach, Swiss holiday park.
University of Zurich
Department of Psychology / Work and Organizational Psychology
Binzmuehlestrasse 14/12
CH-8050 Zürich