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Statement of concern regarding the current situation in Turkey


The Executive Committee (EC) of EAWOP views the consequences of the failed coup of July 15th on Turkish people with increased concern. The latest news refer to arrests, interrogations, pressures and even terminations of positions for thousands of university staff members including deans and professors and other public sector employees. Increased controls with even travel bans have also been reported and a generalized climate of tension seems to prevail according to international media. According to information independently collected by the EC of EAWOP among Turkish colleagues, the daily life is not deeply affected thus far and they continue to perform as usual. However, they also perceive a strong sense of uncertainty given the attitudes of the current government toward overcontrolling their freedom.

The EAWOP EC is also concerned that the current political situation undermines the possibility for Turkish Work and Organizational Psychologists, both academics and practitioners,  to continue to pursue their professional activity as usual. The EC expresses its support to the Turkish Psychological Association and will be keeping this grave situation under review. The EAWOP EC is willing to support within its means (e.g., invitation letters, financial support for travelling) Turkish EAWOP members experiencing difficulties as a consequence of the above situation. Specific requests should be sent to the EAWOP administrative secretary at: