3rd EAWOP WorkLab - Practitioner Skills Workshop

Improved performance through enhanced communication:
Getting bosses and staff to talk
13th -15th November 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania
Click here to see some video interviews with WorkLab 2014 presenters and participants.
Formal and informal communication in the workplace: What works best? - Dr Kathryn Waddington and Dr Angela Carter, United Kingdom
Practical tools and techniques to facilitate effective manager-employee relationships - Dr Deirdre O’Shea, Ireland and Sarah Brooks, United Kingdom
Interactive facilitated sessions: Experienced practitioners will facilitate the application of the learned tools and techniques to delegates’ own workplace communication challenges

EAWOP is calling European practitioners working in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) to attend the 3rd EAWOP WorkLab. The WorkLab aims to provide a platform for the latest scientific research to be brought to an audience of practitioners, who can thereby develop and enhance their profession and skills. The 3rd EAWOP WorkLab will be based at the Artis Centrum Hotel in Vilnius, Lithuania and is an interactive workshop event that provides opportunities to:
Learn how recent research and theory can be applied in practice;
Understand modern organizational life and its dynamics better;
Acquire new skills when working with complex, changing systems;
Create new methods and approaches in consulting work;
Network with other practitioners and discuss new ways and methods.
Complete your Registration Form (available to EAWOP Constituent associations and members ONLY)
Nominees must be: a) practitioners working in WOP for at least two years; b) experienced in at least one of the WorkLab topic areas; and c) able to evidence being inspired and committed to practitioner activities. Qualified psychologists can join EAWOP at http://www.eawop.org/how-to-join
WorkLab fee subsidized by EAWOP:
Closing date: October 12, 2014
650 EUR for EAWOP members/Constituent nominations
350 EUR for EAWOP members/Constituent nominations - limited places available for low income countries*
210 EUR for accompanying person**
* Low income countries: EUROSTAT
** Registration fee for accompanying persons includes hotel accommodation for 2 nights at the Artis Centrum Hotel in Vilnius, all lunches and dinners, and a guided city tour of Vilnius
WorkLab fee must be paid in advance while registering and it includes:
Hotel accommodation for 2 nights at the Artis Centrum Hotel in Vilnius
All lunches, dinners and refreshments during the conference
A guided city tour of Vilnius
Organising Committee:
Dr Angela Carter (UK) a.carter@sheffield.ac.uk
Helen Baron (UK) helen@hbaron.co.uk
Dr Diana Rus (NL) d.rus@creative-peas.com
Sarah Brooks (UK) s.brooks@sheffield.ac.uk
Dr Edita Dereskeviciute (LT) training@humanstudy.lt